Un día de estos hablaremos de Ultimo Resorte, una banda con la que me lo pasé muy bien. Pero ahora, dedicadle media horita a ver este video... vale la pena.
Mas info... en el enlace de referencia, que enlaza...
Y, de regalo...
Por una de esas cosas de la vida, uno oye a un pajarito piar y descubre un lugar en un rincón de la cibercosa en el que se guardan, al modo de Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie, retazos de la historia de "The Polvers" una presunta banda que presuntamente existió en Barcelona a finales del siglo pasado. Ese lugar se llama como esta entrada: "El enigma Polver" y consta de tres entradas de septiembre y octubre de 2006 que acaban abruptamente con el anuncio de un análisis que nunca se realizó (hasta hoy). Quizás sea que el enigma Polver está en el viento. | We have found a corner on the cyberspace were are filed some short pieces of what is called "the Polver enigma"that seems to be pieces of the history of "The Polvers" a band from the Barcelona's last years of the XXth century. We have started an investigation to keep you informed. Meanwhile, you can have a look at the two videos finded at that location or, directly visit that location. We are not sure id there's intelligent life behind that place... but you can try. |
Les adjuntamos una de las primeras grabaciones de una de las legendarias bandas adalides del espíritu "Polver".
Son, con casi toda seguridad, "The Polvers" en un concierto alrededor de 1996. Grabación del lote perteneciente al desahaucio nº: 5897/0069 subastado en abril del 2002 y adquirida por el marchante de arte.
Esta grabación estaba entre las pertenencias de un sujeto encontrado ahogado por sus propios vómitos en la Barcelona de los finales del siglo XX. Ante la denuncia por ruidos y escándalo, y entrando la policía en el domicilio "infractor", se encontró con un hombre muerto rodeado de botellas de tequila y con un magnetófono de cinta continua repitiendo "ad infinitum" el tema que estas a punto de escuchar.
Posiblemente una de las pocas versiones localizada, la única quizás, del clásico "Sweet Bonnie Brown - It´s Just Too Much". La calidad del video es pobre en contraste con la del audio donde es fácilmente perceptible como la "stoned Pelota Polver" avanza sin contemplaciones.
Un absoluto ataque de la división P.P.:
La Division Panzer Polver.
Casi con toda seguridad grabado en Barcelona y, según el propietario de la cinta VHS, a finales del siglo pasado (1996 o 97).
Formación (según el propietario de la cinta):
Polver 1-guitarra
Polver 2-guitarra
Polver 3-guitarra
Polver 4-teclas
Polver 5-bajo
Polver 6-bateria
El vocalista es uno de los tres guitarras, y los coros no se han podido identificar.
Si tienes información envíala a the.polvers@gmail.com
Imágenes sacadas por el equipo del documental "Venid a las cloacas: La historia de La Banda Trapera del Rio" que dirige Dani Arasanz. Concierto de La Trapera del 13 de junio del 2009 en Cornellà.
Dirección: Dani Arasanz
Producción: Juan Blanco & Sara Calatayud
Realización: Jordi Clusella
Operadores de cámara: Albert Salas, Joan Ventosa, Albert Ventosa, Jordi Clusella
Sonido directo: Juanju Rubio
Hoy se cumplen 51 años del nacimiento de Bernadette Jean "Kelly" Johnson. Era el 20 de junio de 1958 y acababa yo de cumplir un añito. Kelly nos dejó el 15 de julio de 2007, casi hace dos años. Pero nos dejó mucho. No puedo hablar por quienes la conocieron, así que hablaré sólo de lo que yo conozco de ella: su música. O, mejor, dejemos que ella hable. | Today is the 51th anniversary of the birth of Bernadette Jean "Kelly" Johnson. It was june, the 20th of 1958 ans I was just reaached my first year of life. Kelly left us on july 15th 2007, two years ago. But she left a lot for those willing to ear. I can´t talk for those who knew her, then I can only talk about what I new from her: her music. Or, much better, let's Kelly made this day a celebration day of her life. |
La historia siempre es personal. Así es. Y personal es la historia de mi encuentro con Nick Drake. Como siempre, en unas rebajas. Juraría que en la Cooperativa de Urquinaona. Una portada que te decía "comprame, que sólo son veinte duros y no te arrepentirás". Era el tercer album de Nick Drake (19 June 1948 – 25 November 1974) el primero que descubrí y el último que grabó. Pink Moon es un album dicen que oscuro. A mi no me parece oscuro. Ni claro. Es un album que me envolvió, que me enamoró. Es la calma con la que uno se enfrenta a los huracanes que le rodean. Es, simplemente, brutal. Sobre Nick podéis encontrar anécdotas o revisar su web o la wiki... Yo sólo voy a dejaros algo de lo que hizo. | ![]() | History is allways about myself. That's how it is. The history of how I met the Nick Drake's music is my own. As usual, I met Nick in a discount sales. I think it was near Urquinaona square. The album was one of these that told you "buy me, man, it's only 50 cents and you will not regret for doing that". It was Nick Drake's (19 June 1948 – 25 November 1974) third album; the first I heard and the last he recorded. Some people says Pink Moon is a dark album. I don't think so. Neither dark, neither clear. It's a lovely one that gets you. The calm you face the hurricane. From my humble point of view, it's simply wild. You can read abut Nick or check his web site or the wiki I've linked before... I will only show you something he made. |
Una reciente entrada de Soy del Montón me ha hecho recordar una banda que escuché allá por la mitad de los setenta: MAGMA MAGMA es (porque existe aún, 40 años después) una banda francesa peculiar. MAGMA nace en 1969 de la mano del batería Christian Vander y se ha calificado de rock progresivo (¿?) sea eso lo que quiera que sea. Que sus raíces no están sólo en el rock es evidente, que recoge también influencias de Orff, Bartok o Strawinsky parece claro. Dicen que también tiene grandes influencias de John Coltrane. Será. | ![]() |
![]() | Lo que no admite dudas es que MAGMA es MAGMA. Y que, detrás de esa banda, hay toda una historia, la del planeta Kobaïa contada en el idioma de ese planeta, el Kobaïano. |
Imagine a world, many centuries into the future, when society as we know it has decyed into chaos and degradation, voide of spiritual guidance. The colonizatin of space is well underway, and space travel has become commonplace. It is in this setting that a handful of enlightened Earth people seeking a better existence finance the construction of a private spacecraft and leave the planet in search of a new world where a new, more spiritually guided civilization can be reborn. They finally find that new home after a long and hazardous journey on the distant planet Kobaia, where the party settles and begins anew.Magma is a concept band whose albums explain the origins and development of the new civilization on Kobaia, and their interactions with the people of Earth and other planets. All of their lyrics are sung in the language of the new civilization, 'Kobaian.' As one might expect, the music from Kobaia several hundred years from now is very unlike what we are accustomed to on twentieth century planet earth. Magma's music is very strange, beautiful, and ultimately rewarding, but it does require an open mind on the part of the listener. It is music that must be experienced fully with body, heart and soul: not simpley a cerebral performance of some kind of space opera by clever musicians, but a full blown spiritual experience with the music acting as the connecting vehicle between performer and listener.
Led by drummer Christian Vander, Magma began in the final months of the sixties in France, pretty much apart from the underground music scene of the times. In fact most of the original members had worked in other rock and jazz groups before, although without much notoriety. The band has since gone through an almost constant stream of personnel changes, but the alumni list looks like a who's who of top caliber French musicians: Klaus Blasquiz, Guy Khalifa, Claude Engel, Jannick Top, Bernard Paganotti, Patrick Gauthier, Francis Moze, Rene Garber, Jean-Luc Manderlier, Benoit Widermann, Didier Lockwood, Teddy Lasry, Yochk'o Seffer, Michel Herve, Florence Berteaux, Daniel Denis, Clement Bailly... and the list goes on. All the while, the one constant is Vander and his vision- although the contributions of the other musicians of the other musicians to the execution of this vision cannot be downplayed. The creation of the development of the original concept and the Kobaian language was in fact a group effort. Some players were more influential than others, but with each change in personnel came a slight change in the sound of the band.
The first album, a 2 LP set simply title MAGMA, is where the story begins. The first disc concerns itself with the departure and journey to Kobaia, arrival at their destination, the long and patient process of building a new society according to their vision, and their process of learning how to live in harmony with their new surroundings, while attaining a high degree of technological advancement. The second disc involves the rescue of a foreign spaceship which gets into orbital difficulties over Kobaia- this ship turns out to be manned by a crew from Earth. The visitors tell of the continued degeneration and disasters that have afflicted Earth, and at the same time are impressed with the progress that the Kobaians have made, their philosophy and societial organization, and how they have learned to live as one at peace with their surroundings. The Earthmen request that the Kobaians visit Earth and attempt to propagate their philosophy in order to save society from its certain destruction. After some deliberation, a small party agrees to accompany the stranded visitors on their journey home.