domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

It happens, but I've had a fantastic life

Mel Galley, que fue guitarrista en WHITESNAKE, TRAPEZE, PHENOMENA está aquejado de un cáncer en estado terminal. Mel ha emitido una nota en la que repasa su carrera y dice algunas cosas que quería decir de la que extraigo algunos párrafos (de hecho, sólo he eliminado la parte central en la que habla de su carrera que se puede leer siguiendo el link). Junto a esos párrafos (después del "leer mas"), una muestra de su música, que es la parte de su vida que nos lega a todos.

Y lo traigo porque este fin de semana, a cuenta de ésta noticia y de la muerte de Luna (la perra) ha salido el tema de la muerte en casa. De joven, como les pasa ahora a ellos, esperaba que la muerte me sorprendiera y no darme cuenta; ahora lo veo distinto y espero tener la oportunidad de despedirme adecuadamente y de irme al lado de los míos. Y, sobretodo, espero poder estar razonablemente orgulloso de mi paso por aquí. ¿Que es mi problema? Pues claro. Es lo bueno de tener un blog, que uno escribe lo que quiere. Jeje.

"Well, as some of you may already have read in the press or seen/heard on other websites, the verdict from the doctors following a full MRI scan is that my condition is terminal. Rather than sit around feeling sorry for myself, I intend to make the most of the time I have left with my family and friends. I am blessed with a fantastic wife and two sons who I am very proud of. For now am just aiming to make my 60th birthday in March.

"I have enjoyed a great life, travelled the world having some amazing experiences, met all sorts of people and played with some of the best musicians there are.
"Over the last 12 months, since the launch of my page and the TRAPEZE page, I have regained my love for playing and taken real pleasure from reading the comments and messages you have all left. I have heard from people I had lost touch with years ago. It has been fantastic and I thank you all. I honestly didn't realise the amount of people out there who still remember or have discovered my music. I just wish I could have had the chance to play the shows I had planned for this year.

"Thank you all so much for your love and support over the years.

"You are the music — I was just in a band!"

Whitesnake 1983 - Mel Galley Solo

Phenomena - Did It All For Love

Trapeze "Backstreet Love"

Keep on Rockin, Mel. See you on the other side.

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